​​Management of Aflatoxin in Corn

October 2013 | 17 min., 51 sec.
by Thomas Isakeit
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Research


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the southern United States and, to some extent, in the midwestern U.S. Corn Belt learn about approaches they can use to reduce aflatoxin contamination of corn, using current research data to emphasize points. By way of introduction, the presentation will outline some of the factors leading to aflatoxin contamination of corn, as well as a discussion of the variability of contamination. The presentation will then cover the main approaches to managing aflatoxin: the use of atoxigenic strains, host resistance, and cultural practices during the growing season, in addition to recommendations for harvest and post-harvest management. With this background, growers and others can make aflatoxin management decisions appropriate for their own farms. 

About the Presenter

Thomas IsakeitThomas Isakeit is a professor and Extension plant pathologist at Texas A&M University in College Station. His responsibility is conducting Extension programs managing field crop diseases. With corn, he has done aflatoxin research in conjunction with Texas A&M corn breeders since 1999. More recently, he has initiated field studies evaluating commercially available of atoxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus for managing aflatoxin. He has been with Texas A&M University since 1993. He obtained his PhD and MSc degrees in plant pathology at Michigan State University. He also obtained postdoctoral experience at the University of California–Berkeley and the University of Arizona.​

Contact Information:
Email: t-isakeit@tamu.edu


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