​​Review of 2014 Cotton Season

January 2015 | 13 min.
by Guy D. Collins
University of Georgia

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​The 2014 production season was certainly unique but was very rewarding to some growers in the Southeast and Mid-South regions of the cotton belt. This presentation will provide an overview of 2014 season in the Southeast and Mid-South regions to help explain how cotton performance was influenced by weather and other factors, as well as illustrate the challenges that producers faced this year. Specifically in this presentation, each state will be described in terms of weather, insect pressure in 2014, projected acreage and yields, and other challenges that growers faced.

About the Presenter

Guy D. CollinsGuy D. Collins is the University of Georgia Extension Cotton Agronomist. Dr. Collins's primary responsibilities are his extension efforts, in which he provides assistance, support and training programs for county agents and cotton growers in Georgia regarding cotton production and management. His research efforts support his extension program in providing current information that enables Georgia cotton growers in maximizing yield potential, reducing production costs, optimizing the timing of agronomic inputs, and decision making. He works closely with the county agents, the UGA cotton team, the Georgia Cotton Commission, and others.​

Contact Information:
Email: guyc@uga.edu


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