Precision agriculture data provides cotton producers various management opportunities to increase production, reduce input costs, and manage farmland more efficiently. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) may be the next tool to improve precision agriculture data collection. This presentation will help consultants, county agents, growers, and other practitioners in the Southern U.S. cotton-producing states get a better understanding of the many potential applications for UASs in cotton production systems. Specifically in this presentation, practitioners will learn: what is the current FAA regulatory environment for using UASs for commercial use; about the two types of UASs on the market – the pros and cons of each system; about their potential uses for directed scouting and mapping; and what are some of the challenges in acquiring and processing the data. By the end of this presentation, you should have a better understanding of the many potential applications and challenges that exist in integrating UASs in your cotton farming operation.