Arkansas Weed Issues and Management

January 2023 | 26 min., 55 sec.
by Tom Barber
University of Arkansas

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​This presentation addresses issues with and management of ryegrass, Palmer amaranth (pigweed), prickly sida, and yellow nutsedge. Topics include screening, fall burndown, herbicide resistance, residual herbicides, coated or impregnated fertilizer, and cultural practices.

About the Presenter

Tom BarberTom Barber is a professor and extension weed scientist with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. He conducts applied weed control research in corn, cotton, grain sorghum, rice, and soybean crops to provide the most cost effective weed control programs for Arkansas producers. Each year, he gives more than 50 presentations at local, state, regional and national meetings on weed resistance and weed seed bank management.

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