Controlling Bollworms in Mid-South Cotton: Where Do We Go from Here?

January 2023 | 18 min., 14 sec.
by Tyler Towles
Louisiana State University

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​This presentation begins by asking “How did we get here?” and identifying factors underlying the current bollworm situation: sharing Cry proteins among hosts; Cry proteins not being “high dose” for bollworms; and low refuge compliance. Discussion then covers bollworm scouting in cotton; neonates in three-gene cotton; foliar insecticide performance; effects on yield; and Vip technology. The presentation ends by making recommendations for cotton producers.

About the Presenter

Tyler TowlesTyler Towles is an assistant professor of entomology at the Scott Research and Extension Center at the Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter in Winnsboro. His responsibilities are 80% research and 20% Extension. His research at the AgCenter includes a wide range of pest issues in corn, cotton, soybean, and grain sorghum. Towles has a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science with focuses in agricultural informational sciences and integrated pest management from Mississippi State University (MSU). He received a doctorate in entomology from MSU in May 2020; his dissertation focused on cotton bollworm emergence from various corn refugia strategies.

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