​​Cotton Nutrition in the Southeastern U.S.

February 2015 | 32 min., 44 sec.
by Charles C. Mitchell
Auburn University


​The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has been conducting soil fertility experiments with cotton since 1911. Some of these experiments are still being monitored to improve and update soil test calibration for phosphorus, potassium, secondary and micronutrients on cotton. These experiments also contain nitrogen rate studies. Mitchell will review some of the recent work with cotton to answer questions such as (1) Do I need to increase N rates on cotton for higher yields?; (2) How does soil tests compare across the region?; How fast will soil tests P drop if I fail to apply P or K fertilizers? He will also look at cotton nutrient uptake patterns as they affect our fertilization strategies.

About the Presenter

Charles C. MitchellCharles C. Mitchell is a Professor and Extension Soil Agronomist at Auburn Universi​ty.​

Contact Information:
Email: mitchc1@auburn.edu


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