​Smart Machines for Weed Control & Beyond

February 2018 | 30 min., 16 sec.
by Mac Keely and Erik Ehn
Blue River Technology

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​Using computer vision and artificial intelligence, Blue River smart machines can detect, identify, and make management decisions about every single plant in the field. Blue River‘s See & Spray smart machine identifies both crops and weeds, and then makes crop management decisions on the spot. See & Spray unlocks the tools available to fight resistant weeds using a larger toolkit of selective and non-selective herbicide options and creates the opportunity to treat crops with any input.​

About the Presenter

Mac Keely​​​​ Mac Keely joined Blue River in 2015 to help start our lettuce thinning business. He continues to lead the vegetable and cotton market development. Mac earned a BS from Cal Poly-SLO and an MBA from Texas A&M. He has worked for almost 20 years in various leadership roles in the agriculture space. Mac is passionate about helping our customers and loves working with amazing people solving great problems in agriculture. He lives in Tulsa, OK with his beautiful and supportive wife and two amazing children.​

Erik EhnErik Ehn is the Director of Product Management at Blue River Technology. Erik earned a BS in Agricultural Engineering from California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo.​

Contact Information:
Email: mac.k@bluerivert.com, erik.ehn@bluerivert.com


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