​​Production Issues, Cotton Nutrient Management, and Variety Performance

March 2022 | 19 min., 27 sec.
by Brian Pieralisi
Mississippi State University

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​​In 2021, Mississippi cotton growers faced challenges from the onset of planting through cutout: a wet, cool spring; delayed planting; and an unseasonal flood in mid-June. In addition to these topics, this presentation addresses nitrogen, potassium, and sulfur management and Mississippi cotton variety trials.

About the Presenter

Brian Pieralisi Brian Pieralisi is currently the Extension cotton agronomist at Mississippi State University. He was previously employed at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, Mississippi, as a research associate under Dr. Bobby Golden while pursuing a PhD in soybean nutrient uptake. Brian has experience with both soil fertility and weed science research in cotton, corn, soybean, and rice. He served as a fourth-generation cotton, corn, and soybean producer in the Mississippi Delta for 15 years before earning a PhD at Mississippi State. Brian also earned an MBA from Delta State University while operating a 4,500-acre farm in 2005.

Contact Information:
Email: bkp4@msstate.edu


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