​​Terminating Spider Mite Applications in Cotton

March 2013 | 13 min., 50 sec.
by Jeff Gore
Mississippi State University

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Experiments were conducted across the Mid-South to determine the impact of spider mite infestation timings on cotton yields. Twospotted spider mites were infested at the third true leaf stage, at first flower, and at 200 heat unit intervals after first flower. In these experiments, yield losses caused by spider mites were observed for the three leaf stage until first flower plus 800 heat units. Therefore, cotton is safe from spider mite injury when it reaches 1000 heat units past first flower. In the southern U.S., 35-45 days are needed to accumulate 1000 heat units. As a result, spider mite applications in cotton can be terminated about 35 to 45 days after first flower. This information will allow growers and consultants to improve IPM strategies for spider mites in cotton.​

About the Presenter

Jeff GoreJeff Gore is currently an Assistant Research Professor at Mississippi State University in the Delta Research and Extension Center at Stoneville, Mississippi. He previously worked as a Research Entomologist with USDA-ARS in Stoneville from 2002 to 2007. He received his BS in Entomology/Integrated Pest Management from Auburn University in 1995. He received his MS in Entomology from Louisiana State University in 1999 and his PhD in Entomology from Louisiana State in 2002.​

Contact Information:
Email: jgore@drec.msstate.edu


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