​​Soybean Management Considerations for 2019

March 2019 | 17 min., 04 sec.
by Trent Irby
Mississippi State University

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​Irby first reviews 2018 data for the soybean crop in Mississippi, along with planting progress curves. He then outlines considerations for 2019, including stand challenges and replant decisions; fungicide timing and seed quality; and planting date, variety selection, and seed quality/damage. Irby states that planting date and variety selection are the two most important factors in maximizing yield potential. 

About the Presenter

Trent IrbyTrent Irby is an associate extension professor and soybean specialist in the Plant and Soil Sciences Department at Mississippi State University. Recently published research has addressed surge irrigation on soybean, insect control for agronomic crops, and soybean variety trials.​

Contact Information:
Email: trent.irby@msstate.edu 


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