​​​Cotton and Agronomy Overview

March 2020 | 19 min., 26 sec.
by Seth Byrd
Oklahoma State University

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This presentation will provide an overview of growth stage specific water requirements in cotton, and present impact of varying levels of water supply during growth stages on lint yield and fiber quality. Considerations for plant growth regulators will also be discussed, specifically what they affect in the plant and how they interact with variety selection and other inputs in cotton production in the Great Plains.

About the Presenter

Seth ByrdSeth Byrd is the extension cotton specialist for Oklahoma State University. He received a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from North Carolina State University, a master’s degree in agronomy from the University of Florida, and a PhD in crop and soil science with a focus on cotton agronomics from the University of Georgia.

Contact Information:
Email: seth.byrd@okstate.edu


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