Disease Identification & Management​

March 2020 | 36 min., 19 sec.
by Heather M. Kelly
The University of Tennessee

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When does cotton disease cause economic losses? When it becomes a significant PEST. Using this acronym will help us remember the major factors of the disease pyramid needed for disease to develop and have economic impact: Pathogen presence – One needs to clearly identify what is present in the field. Continuous cotton production and lack of rotation can increase the risk of certain diseases developing. Environment – The right conditions are needed for disease to develop. Planting into cold, wet soils promotes seedling disease, just as wet, warm weather later in the season can promote foliar disease development. Susceptible host – Know your variety and if it is susceptible to certain diseases. Time – The previous factors have to occur during a critical growth stage to cause economic yield loss. In this presentation, Dr. Kelly covers some of the major cotton diseases, including how to identify them, what factors influence when they can cause economic yield loss, and what management options will protect crops from them.

About the Presenter

Heather M. KellyHeather M. Kelly is an associate professor of plant pathology with a 70% Extension and 30% Research appointment in the Entomology and Plant Pathology Department at the University of Tennessee. She is stationed at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson and is the leader of the UT Extension and Research disease management programs for field crops, including soybean, corn, cotton, and wheat. Dr. Kelly received her BS in biological sciences and her MS in science teaching from Florida State University and her PhD in plant pathology from the University of Florida. Dr. Kelly manages cooperative efforts to develop disease management strategies and information that improve crop production efficiency.

Contact Information:
Email: youngkelly@utk.edu


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