Craig Brown is Vice President, Producer Affairs for the National Cotton Council, the industrywide organization that is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. In this position, Brown has responsibility for staffing the American Cotton Producers, formerly the Producer Steering Committee, which represents producer interests in the Council. He assumed his duties at the Council in March of 1988, after nearly 13 years in the Commodity Department, the last five as director, with the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, where he worked with the rice and cotton commodities. He developed an extensive background and experience in both rice and cotton on a national basis. He deals mainly with national legislative and regulatory matters that pertain to Council producer members and serves as liaison to other industry segments. A native of Jennings, Louisiana, where his family was involved in rice, soybean and cattle farming operations, Brown received his Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural business from McNeese State University in 1973, and a Master of Science degree in agricultural economics from Louisiana State University in 1975.