Maximizing Returns to Water Use in Southwest Kansas Irrigated Corn / Cotton Production

April 2021 | 15 min., 11 sec.
by Lucas Haag
Kansas State University

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​This presentation reviews findings from a corn–cotton irrigation study intended to answer the question: Can we better manage our water to maximize this important determinant of yield? Researchers found that the largest marginal return to irrigation was obtained with 1 inch applied at MHS; the return over dryland averaged 252 pounds per acre for 1 inch of water over the 5-year study. An additional 1 inch of water at bloom did not improve yields over using only 1 inch at MHS. Except during the 2012 drought year, no yield advantage was observed for full-season irrigation of cotton at 3.8 or 2.7 gpm/acre compared with 1.9 gpm per acre.

About the Presenter

Lucas Haag​Lucas Haag is an associate professor of agronomy and Extension agronomist stationed at the Kansas State Northwest Research–Extension Center at Colby, Kansas. Lucas works with local Extension agents, producers, and industry professionals to address crop production challenges specific to western Kansas agriculture. He primarily works in the areas of dryland and limited irrigation cropping systems, precision ag, and alternative crops.​​​

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