2023 Cotton Agronomic Update

May 2023 | 23 min., 41 sec.
by Camp Hand
University of Georgia

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In the second of two presentations on agronomy and physiology at the 2023 Georgia Cotton Commission Annual Meeting, Camp Hand, University of Georgia Extension Cotton Agronomist, discusses results from the 2022 on-farm variety evaluation program; a study of wide row cotton; and the new 2022 row arrangement study. (See the first presentation by John Snider, University of Georgia Cotton Physiologist.)

About the Presenter

Camp HandCamp Hand is the Extension cotton agronomist at the University of Georgia. His research focuses on all aspects of cotton agronomics, from planting to harvest, and includes variety selection, growth management, defoliation, and fiber quality as well as other aspects of production. Camp received his PhD in weed science from the University of Georgia under the direction of Dr. Stanley Culpepper. Prior to that, he received his BS and MS degrees at Auburn University in horticulture while minoring in agronomy. His graduate work at Auburn was conducted under Dr. Wheeler Foshee and focused on weed management in horticultural crops.​

Contact Information:
Email: camphand@uga.edu


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