​​Foliar Diseases Affecting Cotton in the Southeastern United States

June 2014 | 41 min., 03 sec.
by Robert C. Kemerait, Jr.
University of Georgia


​This presentation will help growers, consultants, and other practitioners in the cotton industry better understand the various foliar diseases that affect the Cotton Belt, particularly target spot, a relatively new and economically significant pest. The presentation answers the questions: What are the major foliar diseases of cotton; what is their impact; and how do we manage them?

About the Presenter

Robert C. Kemerait, Jr.Robert C. Kemerait, Jr. received his PhD from the Plant Pathology Department at the University of Florida and has been a member of the faculty at the University of Georgia since 2000. Currently a professor and Extension specialist, Kemerait is stationed at the Coastal Plain Experiment Station in Tifton where he has statewide extension responsibilities for disease and nematode management of corn, soybeans, peanuts and cotton. In addition to his Extension activities, Kemerait is involved in projects in Guyana, Haiti, and the Philippines as well as being committed to graduate student education. Dr. Kemerait is married to Pamela Lopez Kemerait and they have two children, Perrine and Jimmy.​​

Contact Information:
Email: kemerait@uga.edu


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