​Importance of Planter Depth and Downforce in Cotton Production​

June 2020 | 27 min., 47 sec.
by Wesley M. Porter
University of Georgia


​​​Planter performance is a critical component in setting the foundation for a successful crop season. Environmental and soil conditions can have a significant impact on crop germination and emergence and can either help or hinder development of an adequate crop stand early in the season. Specific planter components and settings can be adjusted to match current conditions in the field and ensure maximized emergence, which will translate to yield in most cases. The main goal of this presentation is to provide information on environmental conditions and planter settings that can affect cotton emergence and yield.

About the Presenter

​​​Wesley M. PorterWesley M. Porter is an associate professor at the University of Georgia (UGA). He earned his BS and MS from Clemson University in agricultural mechanization and agricultural engineering, respectively, and earned his PhD from Oklahoma State University in agricultur​al engineering. Dr. Porter is an Extension specialist at UGA and covers the topics of precision agriculture, machinery systems, and irrigation. Some of the topics Dr. Porter’s program focuses on are irrigation scheduling, GPS and GIS systems, remote sensing, UASs, planter control systems, yield monitors, and variable rate applications.​

Contact Information:
Email: WPorter@uga.edu


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