Cotton Physiology

June 2024 | 18 min., 21 sec.
by John Snider
University of Georgia


​In this presentation on cotton agronomy and physiology at the 2024 Georgia Cotton Commission Annual Meeting, John Snider provides updates on cotton physiology and agronomic management. (See also the presentation by Camp Hand.)

About the Presenter

John Snider ​​John Snider is an associate professor of crop physiology at the University of Georgia; his official appointment is 85% research and 15% teaching. The overarching research objective of the Cotton Physiology Lab is to utilize physiological principles to solve agronomic problems and improve the productivity, efficiency, and sustainability of cotton production in Georgia. Snider is particularly focused on characterizing physiological response to yield-limiting stresses, identifying management strategies that improve water use efficiency, and identifying traits associated with improvements in seedling vigor.

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