​Cover Crops for Cotton Weed Management

August 2020 | 34 min., 17 sec.
by Charlie Cahoon and Camp Hand
NC State University and University of Georgia


​​To combat troublesome herbicide-resistant weeds, Extension weed specialists emphasize integrated weed management (IWM). This requires the use of physical, cultural, and biological weed management strategies in addition to herbicides. Cover crops can be the foundation of a strong IWM program. This webcast addresses cover crops for cotton weed management, focusing on results from Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia. Topics include (1) why cover crops make sense in cotton production; (2) key points in maximizing weed suppression; (3) suppression of winter and summer annual weeds; (4) using cover crops to reduce selection pressure for herbicide-resistant weeds; (5) avoiding cotton stand issues; and (6) the value of cover crops in combination with herbicides.​

About the Presenter

​​Charlie CahoonCharlie Cahoon is an Extension weed specialist and assistant professor at North Carolina State University. His research focuses on developing innovative and sustainable weed management solutions for corn and cotton. Additionally, at the forefront of his research are management of herbicide-resistant com​mon ragweed, horseweed, Palmer amaranth, and Italian ryegrass and preemptive measures for preventing herbicide resistance. He is also committed to promoting proper stewardship of new herbicide technologies. Cahoon received both his BS and PhD from North Carolina State University. His graduate work was conducted under the direction of Alan York and David Jordan and focused on herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth management in cotton.​

Camp HandCamp Hand is a PhD student studying weed science under the direction of Stanley Culpepper at the University of Georgia. Camp’s research projects have focused on reducing selection pressure for dicamba resistance in Palmer amaranth through integrated weed management strategies in cotton, tolerance of multiple vegetable crops to 2,4-D or dicamba applied over plastic mulch prior to planting, and herbicide-tolerance studies in cereal rye for grain production. Camp received his BS and MS degrees at Auburn University in horticulture while minoring in agronomy. His graduate work at Auburn was conducted under Wheeler Foshee, and it focused on weed control in watermelons and pecans.

Contact Information:
Email: cwcahoon@ncsu.edu, camphand@uga.edu


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