​Tracking Cotton Growth and Development

August 2020 | 38 min.
by Randy Norton
The University of Arizona


​​This presentation discusses the concepts related to monitoring cotton growth and development over the course of the season. It covers topics related to assessing the crop vigor status and fruit load and also using nodes above white flower to measure crop progression during the fruiting cycle. These crop indices are correlated back to heat units as a means of measuring thermal time to track growth and development. Specific examples are presented of how to use this information in making crop management decisions, including plant growth regulator applications and end-of-season cotton management techniques.​

About the Presenter

Randy Norton​​Randy Norton is an associate regional Extension specialist with the University of Arizona and also serves as the resident director of the Safford Agricultural Center. He has a BS degree in plant sciences with an emphasis in crop science and MS and PhD degrees in soil and water science with an emphasis in soil fertility and soil chemistry. The primary focus of his work is improving the efficiency and sustainability of desert agricultural systems through a broad research and Extension program directed at solving production challenges faced by growers across Arizona. Areas of research and Extension focus include soil fertility, variety evaluation, and management of certain pests and diseases in Arizona crop production systems.

Contact Information:
Email: rnorton@cals.arizona.edu


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