Foliar Fertilization of Cotton: Is It a Waste?​

August 2020 | 38 min., 16 sec.
by Hunter Frame
Virginia Tech


​​​This webcast addresses the foliar fertilization of cotton and whether it pays off. The presentation begins with an overview of essential plant nutrients and transitions to foliar feeding of macronutrients, such as potassium. The presentation ends with a discussion of foliar feeding of micronutrients in cotton production.

About the Presenter

Hunter Frame ​​Hunter Frame has been the field crops agronomist at Virginia Tech’s Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center since 2012. In this role, he serves as Virginia’s cotton specialist and manages the Official Cotton Variety Testing program; the bulk of his research is focused on soil fertility an​d plant nutrition issues in cotton production. Projects in Dr. Frame’s research program have focused on nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, and micronutrients. Understanding how cotton yields can be improved through managing nutrients and other agronomic inputs is paramount to enhancing the profitability and sustainability of U.S. cotton producers. This is the overarching goal of Dr. Frame’s research and Extension program.

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