Harvest Aid Decisions

December 2022 | 15 min., 54 sec.
by Sarah Lancaster
Kansas State University

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​This presentation provides an overview of harvest aid use in heat-limited environments and shares data from an on-farm evaluation of harvest aids. The trial was established near Sedgwick, Kansas, when cotton was approximately 20% open boll. This timing was within 1 week before the farmer applied harvest aids to the rest of the field. All defoliants evaluated were applied with ethephon and percent defoliation, and percent open bolls were recorded 7 and 14 days after treatment. Two weeks after treatment, defoliation following Folex applications averaged 78% and was greater than defoliation following applications of Aim or Sharpen plus Folex, which averaged 55 and 56%, respectively. Defoliation following application of Sharpen and Reviton ranged from 58 to 70%. Percent open bolls were similar for all treatments and ranged from 70 to 79%.

About the Presenter

Sarah Lancaster

Sarah Lancaster is an assistant professor and Extension specialist in the Kansas State University Agronomy Department; she began working in this position in November 2019. Her efforts are focused on weed management Extension and research. Sarah was raised on an integrated crop and livestock farm in east-central Missouri and holds degrees from the University of Missouri, North Carolina State University, and Texas A&M University.

Contact Information:
Email: slancaster@ksu.edu


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