​​​​What Does It Cost to Choose the Wrong Cotton Variety?

December 2016 | 25 min., 04 sec.
by Guy D. Collins
North Carolina State University


​This presentation will help growers as well as county agents, consultants, and industry personnel from all cotton producing states gain a better understanding of the potential economic impact of poor cotton variety selection. Specifically in this presentation, practitioners will learn the real impact of making poor variety decisions and what to expect when doing so. Additionally they will learn how various degrees of error vary in terms of economic impact. By the end of this presentation, growers will completely understand the importance of careful variety selection and how to go about the variety selection process while avoiding or minimizing error, therefore improving their ability to capture additional profit in modern cotton varieties. 

About the Presenter

Guy D. CollinsGuy D. Collins began his career as Extension Cotton Agronomist at the University of Georgia in November of 2009, and as of January 2015, he now serves as Cotton Extension Associate Professor at NC State University. His official appointment is of 100% extension although he is heavily engaged in applied agronomic research. Dr. Collins’s primary responsibilities are his extension efforts, in which he provides assistance, support and training programs for county agents and growers regarding cotton production and management. His research efforts support his extension program in providing current information that enables cotton growers in maximizing yield potential, reducing production costs, optimizing the timing of agronomic inputs, and decision aides. His current research and extension efforts are focused on large-scale on-farm variety evaluation, and other agronomic management strategies to maximize yield and fiber quality. He works closely with Dr. Keith Edmisten, NCSU Cotton Specialist, and county agents, the NCSU cotton team, the North Carolina Cotton Producers Association, Cotton Incorporated, the Extension Cotton Specialists Working Group, Seed and Crop Protection companies, and other entities.

Contact Information:
Email: gdcollin@ncsu.edu


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