​​Crop Management Update

December 2016 | 33 min., 25 sec.
by Wayne Keeling
Texas A&M AgriLife Research


​This panel discussion moderated by Dr. Wayne Keeling at Texas AgriLife Research Center, offers an update of the 2016 cotton growing season, covering important topics such as irrigation, soil fertility, and weed control.

About the Presenter

Wayne KeelingWayne Keeling Project Leader for Systems/Agronomy/Weed Science with Texas A&M AgriLife Research at Lubbock. Dr. Keeling has conducted, along with cropping system and weed research trials, a wide range of cotton harvest and trials for almost 30 years. He obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees from Texas Tech University and served on the Beltwide Cotton Harvest Aid Working Group.​

Contact Information:
Email: wkeeling@ag.tamu.edu


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