An Update on Cotton Diseases

December 2020 | 20 min., 31 sec.
by Cecilia Monclova-Santana
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

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​The Texas Southern High Plains and Rolling Plains cotton industry faces multiple disease challenges, such as cotton leafroll dwarf virus, Fusarium wilt, and FOV4. This presentation provides updates on these challenges, including Fusarium wilt variety trial results for 2019 and current and future projects related to FOV4. Early diagnostics and variety selections are key elements of an effective disease management program.

About the Presenter

Cecilia Monclova-SantanaCecilia Monclova-Santana is an extension plant pathologist for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. In her position, she provides plant pathology expertise to farmers and homeowners, particularly regarding cotton and peanuts. Her expertise is in mycology, but she also works with nematodes and bacteria. Cecilia completed a PhD in plant pathology at North Dakota State University. She worked with dry bean rust, studying pathogen diversity and germplasm screening. She earned her master's degree in tropical forest pathology at the University of Puerto Rico–Mayaguez (UPRM). She worked with endangered plant species and pathogenic threats to their conservation. She also completed her bachelor's degree in agronomy at UPRM.

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