Not a Silver Bullet: Organic Cotton Does Not Enhance Soil Microbial Communities

December 2020 | 6 min., 37 sec.
by Amee Bumguardner
Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Texas Tech University

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​This presentation considers the effects of conventional versus organic cotton production systems on microbial communities and activity within the soil using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and microbial respiration. Levels of total PLFAs, gram-negative bacteria, and carbon mineralization were all greater in conventional systems.

About the Presenter

Amee BumguardnerAmee Bumguardner is a student at Texas Tech in the Plant and Soil Science Department and is pursuing a PhD with an emphasis in soil fertility and chemistry. She works with Dr. Katie Lewis as a research associate in soil fertility and chemistry at Texas A&M AgriLife Research in Lubbock. After graduating, Amee plans to become a professor and to continue to do research in soil fertility.

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