Cotton Bollworm: What Does the Future Hold?

December 2024 | 20 min., 22 sec.
by Dawson Kerns
Louisiana State University

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This presentation discusses strategies for bollworm management, including various methods to manage pest resistance to ​Bt in corn and cotton.

About the Presenter

DawsonKernsDawson Kerns is an assistant professor in field crop entomology in the LSU AgCenter northeast region. Kerns earned a Bachelor of Science in entomology from Texas A&M University and a Master of Science and a Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee. He investigated the molecular mechanisms involved in resistance to Bt crops in bollworm populations and used bioinformatic tools to identify potential resistance genes in bollworm. His work at the AgCenter involves the improvement and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) practices for insect pests of corn, cotton, soybean and sorghum, and the evaluation of IPM strategies and insecticide efficacy, as well as monitoring insecticide resistance in field populations of crops pests. His program goal is to provide solutions to the problems facing producers and agricultural professionals in Louisiana. Originally from west Texas, Kerns said he always had an interest in insects, and cotton was a huge part of his community. His time in FFA sparked his desire to contribute to the advancement of agriculture in his community.

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