​​Early Blight: A Global Management Issue on Potatoes

April 2011 | 20 min., 56 sec.
by Walter R. Stevenson
University of Wisconsin


​This presentation will aid consultants, growers, and practitioners understand how to identify and manage early blight of potato in the field and storage. Key symptoms are described that help to differentiate this disease from other common diseases. Important details of the pathogen, host, and disease cycle are discussed. Managing early blight in the field requires careful integration of cultural and chemical methods, including rotation, choice of cultivar, plant nutrition, and fungicide application. Understanding the roles of these elements in managing early blight helps to reduce losses in yield and tuber quality and to reduce reliance on weekly application of fungicides.

About the Presenter

Walter R. StevensonWalter R. Stevenson received his BS degree from Cornell University in 1968 and his PhD degree in Plant Pathology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1972. Dr. Stevenson served on the faculty of Purdue University from 1972​–79 and had statewide responsibility for working with Indiana’s vegetable industry. In 1979, he returned to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and served as the Vaughan-Bascom Professor of Plant Pathology and Friday Chair for Vegetable Production Research until 2008; he also had statewide responsibility for potato and vegetable crop diseases. His Extension/research program focused on improving the management of potato and vegetable crop diseases through the development of comprehensive management systems and adoption of integrated pest management practices. He continues to work with the industry as Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology.​

Contact Information:
Email: wrs@plantpath.wisc.edu


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