​​​Late Blight Forecasting

April 2013 | 47 min., 11 sec.
by Bill Fry
Cornell University


​This presentation will help consultants, practitioners, and growers to understand late blight forecasts and to manage late blight more effectively. The presentation begins by describing the epidemiological basis for potato late blight forecasts. In the potato production system in most temperate regions where sexual reproduction does not occur, survival from one season to the next is in association with an infected host (typically, potato tubers). Most forecasts allow a period early in the season before which fungicide sprays are not necessary; the presentation also describes the most popular systems in the United States. The presentation then describes a decision support system (DSS) that can be used in real time as an aid in scheduling fungicide sprays. The DSS integrates the effects of weather, host resistance, and fungicides to ensure adequate disease suppression.

About the Presenter

Bill FryBill Fry obtained his PhD from Cornell University in Plant Pathology in 1970. After an initial appointment at Central Connecticut State College, he returned to Cornell to join the faculty. His area of research has been diverse but has consistently included many aspects of the late blight disease of potato and tomato caused by Phytophthora infestans. These efforts have included epidemiology, management, genetics, population genetics, and genomics of the pathogen and the molecular biology of the interaction between the pathogen and its hosts. Dr. Fry’s lab discovered the major worldwide migrations of this pathogen that occurred during the latter twentieth century. Recently, his efforts have emphasized a decision support system designed to aid management of this disease in real time.

Contact Information:
Email: wef1@cornell.edu


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