​​Managing Nitrogen for Irrigated Potato Production in the Upper Midwest​

June 2010 | 27 min., 40 sec.
by Carl Rosen
University of Minnesota


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners manage nitrogen (N) for irrigated potato production in the upper Midwest. Of the essential elements required for potatoes, N is the one that often has the most important effects on tuber yield and quality. The topics addressed in this presentation include a brief review of potato N needs and the N cycle; N requirements in relation to specific potato growth stages; factors to consider when developing an N management plan; and potato responses to N from various research trials. From this presentation, the practitioner should learn how to make N rate and timing recommendations for optimal potato yield and quality.

About the Presenter

Carl RosenCarl Rosen is a Professor and Extension Soil Scientist in the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate at the University of Minnesota and holds a joint appointment with the Department of Horticultural Science. He earned BS and MS degrees in Horticulture from Pennsylvania State University and a PhD degree in Soil Science from the University of California at Davis. Since 1983, his Extension and research programs at Minnesota have focused on improving nutrient use efficiency in a variety of crops, with particular emphasis on nitrogen management for irrigated potato production. Efforts in recent years have also focused water quality issues related to fertilizer use and agricultural use of municipal and industrial by-products as soil amendments.

Contact Information:
Email: rosen006@umn.edu


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