​​Integrated Management of Storage Diseases

August 2011 | 51 min., 02 sec.
by Barry Jacobsen
Montana State University


​This presentation will help growers, consultants, and others understand management of diseases that occur during potato storage. This presentation is most applicable to temperate production areas of North America but does address a few diseases that do not yet occur in North America. Understanding the biology of pathogens, how they infect, and how they can be managed is critical to reducing storage losses.

About the Presenter

Barry JacobsenBarry Jacobsen is a plant pathologist with research and Extension responsibilities. His areas of responsibility include research on potato and sugarbeet diseases, biological control of soilborne pathogens and noxious weeds, and development of integrated disease management programs. His Extension responsibilities include education programs on diseases of row crops, potato, and sugarbeet. His program involves the development of disease management strategies and IPM programs primarily for potatoes and sugar beets. Dr. Jacobsen received his BS and MS degrees at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He earned his PhD in plant pathology at the University of Minnesota.​​

Contact Information:
Email: uplbj@montana.edu


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