​​Potato Growth and Development

August 2012 | 19 min., 01 sec.
by Mike Thornton
University of Idaho


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners throughout North America better understand the key growth stages in potato plant development. It will specifically focus on some of the key factors that influence plant development at each stage of growth and identify how they impact crop yield. By the end of this presentation, practitioners should better understand how environment and management impact potato growth and yield.

About the Presenter

Mike ThorntonMike Thornton is a plant physiologist working on potatoes and onions for the University of Idaho at the Parma Research and Extension Center. His potato research program focuses on cultural management of new potato cultivars, with emphasis on appearance of specialty cultivars. He received his bachelor’s degree in 1980 from Washington State University, his master’s degree in 1983 from Colorado State University, and his PhD from the University of Idaho in 1990.​​

Contact Information:
Email: miket@uidaho.edu


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