​​"It's Significant to Me!" The Purpose of Using Statistics in Agricultural Research

November 2015 | 34 min., 27 sec.
by Jeff Miller
Miller Research


​Have you ever listened to a scientific presentation and heard the phrase “but the differences were not significant”? Or have you ever wondered why researchers put letters next to numbers in tables or on graphs? This presentation will answer these questions. Additionally, this presentation will help viewers make sense of how information is used in relation to making claims about performance of products used in crop production. Specifically, the presentation will present examples of how data are collected from small-plot and large-scale research trials, show how those data should be presented, and answer the question "Is it really significant to me?" 

About the Presenter

Jeff MillerJeff Miller earned a BS in Botany-Biotechnology from Brigham Young University (1994) and an MS (1996) and PhD (1998) in Plant Pathology from Washington State University. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow for the University of Idaho for 3 months before accepting the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota, where he worked as the potato pathologist. In 2001, Jeff accepted the same position at the University of Idaho, where he worked until returning to Miller Research in 2007.​

Contact Information:
Email: jeff@millerresearch.com


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