This presentation will help consultants, county agents, growers, researchers, and other practitioners in potato-growing areas understand the complex nature of the costly problem formerly referred to as “pink eye” and now called “periderm disorder syndrome” (PDS). This disorder has no cure. An understanding of the physiological processes that give rise to the problematic symptoms is essential in guiding practitioners as they consider approaches to minimize costly losses from associated disease and defect development. Specifically, the presentation will answer these questions: What is periderm disorder syndrome, and what are its symptoms? Is it caused by pathogens, or is it a physiological disorder? How does it arise, and what is known about possible ways to control or minimize it? By the end of this presentation, practitioners will have an understanding of the nature of the syndrome and its complexities and be able to use this information to help make decisions regarding emerging recommendations for storage, sale, and processing of afflicted potatoes.