​​​​​​​​Maintaining Tomato Health After Harvest

October 2016 | 18 min., 47 sec.
by Jerry A. Bartz
University of Florida


This presentation will cover most issues involved in protecting the health of field-grown tomatoes, with emphasis on production in areas featuring periods of humidity and rainfall, especially during harvest. Issues concerning field chilling and periodic wet fields are included. Packing, shipping, and marketing are discussed, along with tips for consumer handling. After viewing this presentation, consultants, county agents, growers, packers, marketers, and consumers should understand the factors involved in placing a quality, wholesome, and healthy tomato on the table, ready for consumption.

About the Presenter

Jerry A. Bartz Jerry A. Bartz conducts research on the control of postharvest diseases and hazards (foodborne agents causing human diseases), contamination of primarily tomato fruit. His current focus is on the effect of uncontrolled water (rainfall, dew, guttation) as well as controlled water (dump tanks and flumes) on the health and who​lesomeness of tomato fruit. His current assignment is 70% research, 20% Extension, and 10% teaching. Extension activities involve co-authorship of four electronic distance information service (EDIS) bulletins, including “Postharvest quality and decay incidence among tomato fruit as affected by weather and cultural practices.”​

Contact Information:
Email: softbart@ufl.edu


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