​Wheat Curl Mite and Its Virus Complex in Wheat

December 2018 | 25 min., 31 sec.
by Gary L. Hein
University of Nebraska–Lincoln


​Mite transmitted viruses continue to be a serious threat to winter wheat throughout the Great Plains, and constitute the major disease threat to wheat in the western Great Plains. This webcast provides information on the behavior and biology of the mite and the mite-virus relationship important to understanding and efficiently managing this virus complex. Two critical time periods will be discussed. First, the period near wheat harvest when the mites move from the current wheat crop to new hosts that enable them to survive the summer. Secondly, we will discuss the later period when the mites leave their over-summering hosts to move to the new crop wheat and subsequently transmit virus that will seriously impact the new wheat crop. By the end of this presentation, farmers and other practitioners should understand the basis for management decisions that target this serious virus complex in wheat.

About the Presenter

Gary L. HeinGary L. Hein obtained his PhD from Iowa State University, and he has been employed by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln as a research and Extension entomologist for over 30 years focusing on Integrated Pest Management in field crops. Currently, he is the Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. For 25 years, he has led a research project focusing on the biology and ecology of the wheat curl mite and interactions with mite-vectored viruses in wheat, with a goal of developing improved management options for this serious virus complex.​

Contact Information:
Email: ghein1@unl.edu

​Webcast Sponsor​

​Grant Funding

​This webcast was supported by funds provided through the United States Department of Agriculture, USDA-NIFA grant number 2013-68004-20358.​


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