​​​Methods for Collecting Plant Disease Data

December 2008 | 26 min.
by Alison E. Robertson
Iowa State University


​The goal of collecting plant disease data is to assess if a particular practice affects disease development and consequently impacts yield. Since there can be many diseases affecting a crop in the test field, a target disease needs to be identified, and an assessment unit (leaf, stem, whole plant) decided upon. Depending upon the distribution of the disease in the field, different sampling patterns and designs can be used to most accurately quantify disease incidence and/or severity in the field.

About the Presenter

Alison E. RobertsonAlison E. Robertson is the Extension field crops pathologist at Iowa State University. She has a PhD in Plant Pathology from Clemson University, South Carolina. The goal of her Extension program is to enhance field crop production efficiency in Iowa by improving the basic understanding of field crop dise​ases by agribusiness professionals and producers and thereby facilitate improved disease management. Her research program aims to improve disease management practices in corn and soybean production. During the past two growing season, Dr. Robertson has been involved with on-farm trials to assess the use of foliar fungicides on corn.

Contact Information:
Email: alisonr@iastate.edu


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