​​​​​​2017 Stoneville Ginners School: RFID Technology, Tracking Modules, and Contamination​​​​​

​Most farmers and ginners still use paper tags to identify modules in the field, often with the help of a large number painted on the side of traditional modules. With RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags already embedded in round modules, every module comes with a unique identifier and all of the data associated with the module can be transmitted directly from the picker.

A series of presentations were created for the 2017 Cotton Ginners School of how ginners can begin to take advantage of RFID tags for module tracking and data management.  Those presentations have been captured in the series of webcasts presented below

​The ginner schools' programming is coordinated by the NCGA, working in conjunction with USDA's cotton technology transfer coordinator, and the three USDA ginning laboratories. School cooperators are: USDA's Agricultural Research Service, NCGA and its member associations, the NCC, Cotton Incorporated, gin machinery/equipment manufacturers and suppliers, and select land grant universities.



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