​​​Cotton Variety Selection

January 2014 | 36 min., 53 sec.
by Michael A. Jones
Clemson University


​Variety selection is the first and perhaps the most important management decision a grower makes each season. Variety decisions are now more complex due to the fact that numerous new varieties have been offered for sale by seed companies during the past few years with fewer years of public testing than most growers, consultants, and university personnel need for proper evaluation. There are many factors that govern the choice of cotton varieties, and one major factor or trait that growers must now consider when choosing varieties is the addition of “value-added” transgenic traits. The number of varieties offered by seed companies containing “value-added” transgenic traits (Bollgard II, Widestrike, Liberty-Link, Roundup-Ready Flex, Glytol) for herbicide and insect resistance and the resulting planted acreage (approximately 99 % of acreage in 2012) has increased dramatically across the U.S. The value of transgenic traits is an extremely important consideration for growers when selecting varieties; however, the “value-added” traits are not the most important traits to consider. Yield potential and stability has always been the most important factor to consider in the selection of a good variety and is still the number one factor today. Without good genetics and high yield potential, any benefits obtained from the “value-added” transgenic traits are negated. This presentation will help consultants, growers, and others in the cotton industry make informed decisions on how to select new cotton varieties.

About the Presenter

Michael A. JonesMichael A. Jones is a faculty member in the Department of Entomology, Soils, and Plant Sciences at Clemson University. Mike was raised on a small beef-cattle farm located in Nottoway, Virginia. He attended North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, receiving the BS degree in Agronomy in 1989. Upon graduation, he stayed in Raleigh, entered the Graduate School at North Carolina State University and received his MS degree in Soil Science in 1991 and his PhD degree in Crop Science in 1994. He joined the faculty of Mississippi State University in 1994 as an Assistant Agronomist and conducted research evaluating cotton management systems in the Mississippi Delta. Mike was located at the Delta Research & Extension Center in Stoneville, Mississippi for almost four years, where his research focused on developing sustainable, profitable cotton production systems for conventional and narrow-rows on the major soil types of the Mississippi Delta. The main objectives of his research program at Stoneville involved developing cropping systems to increase yields and net profits of growers while reducing tillage, production costs, and pollution to the environment by integrating all aspects of crop production (tillage systems, row spacing, planting dates, plant populations, rotations, cover crops, etc) into sound production systems, as well as by fully understanding the associations between cotton lint quantity/quality and growth factors characteristic of the region. Dr. Jones accepted a position with Clemson University in July of 1998 and currently serves as State Cotton Extension Specialist for South Carolina where his responsibilities include coordinating and conducting state-wide educational programs related to cotton production in South Carolina. His duties include organizing and conducting state and county educational meetings, organizing and conducting on-farm and research station trials and demonstrations, and establishing and advising state commodity associations. Dr. Jones also has a research appointment with Clemson University, where he has established an applied research program focusing on agronomic management issues in cotton production in South Carolina. Dr. Jones currently conducts research aimed at integrating new and existing technology into current production systems and developing cotton production recommendations from research data. Current research projects are concentrated in the areas of new variety evaluation, early-season plant management, plant recoverability from environmental stress, new technology evaluation, plant growth regulator evaluation, and harvest-aid chemical evaluation.​

Contact Information:
Email: majones@clemson.edu


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