​​​​​​Irrigation Management Strategies in MS

March 2022 | 23 min., 32 sec.
by Drew M. Gholson
Mississippi State University

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​​Adoption of irrigation conservation practices or best management practices (BMPs) is imperative to help sustain our groundwater supplies. The Row-crop Irrigation Science Extension and Research (RISER) is an on-farm program that demonstrates to growers how irrigation water management (IWM) practices reduce irrigation water use up to 40% while improving profitability by $40/acre. The RISER program is identifying and evaluating innovative sensor and automation technologies that can assist producers with improving their on-farm irrigation management strategies and scheduling.

About the Presenter

Drew M. GholsonDrew M. Gholson serves as coordinator for the National Center for Alluvial Aquifer Research and Extension Irrigation Specialist at Mississippi State University, located at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville. His responsibilities include conceiving, developing, and promoting the adoption of profitable irrigation strategies that conserve water, maintain soil resources, and improve water quality. Drew resides in Leland, Mississippi, with his wife and two children.

Contact Information:
Email: drew.gholson@msstate.edu


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