​​Managing Nematodes in Cotton and Soybean

March 2019 | 24 min., 28 sec.
by Travis Faske
University of Arkansas

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Plant-parasitic nematodes are among the most important yield-limiting pathogens that affect cotton and soybean production in the southern United States. Management consists of an integrated pest management system, which varies among nematode species. Thus, sampling for nematodes is an important step in managing cotton and soybean nematodes. This presentation will introduce crop rotation options, some available cultivars with resistance to root-knot nematode and efficacy and yield protection by seed- and soil-applied nematicides.​

About the Presenter

Travis FaskeTravis Faske is an extension plant pathologist/nematologist for the University of Arkansas-Division of Agriculture in Lonoke, Arkansas. He received his PhD from Texas A&M in plant pathology and MS at Oklahoma State University in plant pathology and BS from Tarleton State University in plant and soil science. His applied research program has addressed the needs of growers by evaluating the efficacy and field performance of new nematicides registered for use on cotton and soybean.​

Contact Information:
Email: tfaske@uaex.edu


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