​​​Tank Cleaning

May 2017 | 29 min., 19 sec.
by Fred Whitford
Purdue University


​Crop damage can be prevented by taking the time to clean and flush the entire sprayer system—tank, hoses, screens, booms, and nozzles. The most common mistake made is when the applicator arbitrarily decides to short-change a few of the steps in cleaning the sprayer tank, screens, hoses, and booms. Saving a few minutes by taking short cuts during the cleanout process can almost guarantee that more time will be spent in the long run resolving contamination issues. It is usually much smarter to spend the time to do it right the first time. This presentation discusses and describes the proper procedures to remove unwanted residues and prevent the unintentional introduction of herbicides to sensitive or non-labeled crops.

About the Presenter

Fred WhitfordFred Whitford is the Clinical Engagement Professor, Botany and Plant Pathology and Director of Purdue Pesticide Programs. Fred received his bachelor’s degree in wildlife management from Louisiana Tech. He has expertise in pesticide safety education, pesticide registration, regulations, insurance, and environmental and safety audits. He received his master’s and doctorate degrees in entomology from Iowa State University. He has served as the Coordinator of the Purdue Pesticide Program since 1991.

Contact Information:
Email: fwhitford@purdue.edu

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