​​​Fusarium Ear Rots and Fumonisin on the Texas High Plains

December 2018 | 38 min., 27 sec.
by Jourdan Bell
Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension

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​Bell focuses on the 2017 High Plains fumonisin crisis with corn by addressing three questions: (1) What is fumonisin? (2) What is the farmer doing to minimize Fusarium infection and fumonisin development? (3) What can we expect as we approach the 2018 harvest? Bell concludes by discussing the significant transition to cotton in the Texas Panhandle that has occurred in recent years because of the water demands of corn and the benefits to corn of rotating with cotton.

About the Presenter

Jourdan BellJourdan Bell is the regional agronomist for Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension at Amarillo. She received her PhD in soil science from Texas A&M University and her BS and MS degrees from WTAMU in Canyon in agriculture and plant, soil, and environmental science. Prior to joining Texas A&M AgriLife in 2014, Bell worked as a research technician for the USDA-ARS at Bushland for 14 years in the Soil and Water Management Unit. With USDA-ARS, she assisted in research on manure management, soil water dynamics in dryland cropping systems, and irrigation scheduling. Her current research and extension programs evaluate and promote agronomic practices to enhance crop production and profitability under limited irrigation and dryland systems of the Texas High Plains. She is a current member of the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society, and the Soil Science Society of America. She previously served as the vice leader (2014) and leader (2015) of the American Society of Agronomy Crop Irrigation Strategies and Management Community.​

Contact Information:
Email: jourdan.bell@ag.tamu.edu


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