​​​Chemical Application, Cotton Quality, and Crop Management

December 2018 | 11 min., 11 sec.
by Gaylon Morgan
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension


​This panel question and answer session, moderated by Dr. Gaylon Morgan, offers insight into irrigation practices and their impact on yield.

About the Presenter

Gaylon MorganGaylon D. Morgan received a BS and a MS degree in Agronomy from Texas A&M University in 1996 and 1998, respectively. In 2001, he earned a PhD degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a major in Horticulture and a minor in Plant Pathology. Dr. Morgan was an Assistant Professor and Systems Agronomist at the University of Tennessee until 2003. Gaylon joined the faculty at Texas A&M University as an Assistant Professor and State Extension Small Grains Specialist in 2003 and remained in this position through 2009. In 2009, Gaylon was selected as the State Extension Cotton Agronomist and remains in this position. His responsibilities include the development of educational outreach programs and applied research for cotton. The focus of Dr. Morgan's extension programs is to provide timely dissemination of educational information to the clientele of Texas. Area of research interests includes investigation of cotton varieties, crop protection products, soil fertility, management practices related to fiber quality, conservation tillage, and precision agriculture.

Contact Information:
Email: gdmorgan@tamu.edu


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