​Life after Flood: An Automated, Low Water Use Rice Production System

December 2024 | 16 min., 13 sec.
by Graham Oakley
Mississippi State University

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This presentation discusses research into a low water use rice production system that uses alternate wetting and drying periods to maximize water use efficiency and its impact on crop yield.

About the Presenter

Graham Oakley Graham Oakley is a unique blend of old-school farming ingenuity and cutting-edge technological expertise, and he uses both daily as a research associate for the Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute at Mississippi State University. As a lifelong resident of Oktoc, Oakley grew up working cattle, growing crops, and tinkering with farming equipment. Those skills easily translated to success in agronomic crop research and field management in the MSU Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. For several years, Oakley managed research projects for Dr. Dan Reynolds and pursued his master’s degree which he completed in 2021.

Contact Information:
Email: gro9@msstate.edu


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