​Rice, Soybean and Resistance

December 2024 | 27 mins., 7 sec.
by Bob Scott
University of Arkansas

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​This presentation provides a report on weed resistance in rice and soybeans, new technologies in the pipeline for weed management, and updates to regulations for 2024.

About the Presenter

Bob ScottBob Scott has focused on weed control in rice, soybean, and wheat for 14 years, including herbicide resistance, technology development, herbicide symptomology, and herbicide drift. The Flag the Technology program, initiated in 2011, was deve​loped as a response to problems with off-target herbicide movement and field misidentification. Dr. Scott has a BS in Agronomy from Oklahoma State, an MS in Weed Science from Oklahoma State, and a PhD in Weed Science from Mississippi State. He has worked at American Cyanamid/BASF, Technical Service (1997–2002) and at the University of Arkansas, Cooperative Extension Service (2002–present).​

Contact Information:
Email: bscott@uaex.edu


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