Identification and Management of the Emerging Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus on Cucurbit Crops

February 2023 | 29 min., 16 sec.
by Kai-Shu Ling 


​Cucurbit green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) is an emerging tobamovirus infecting cucurbit crops in North America. It was first reported in 2014 to infect cucumber in Canada and melon and watermelon in California. This seed-borne virus has a potential to spread to other states in causing serious damage to cucurbit crops if not managed properly. In this webcast, Dr. Ling will share his experiences in identification and management of CGMMV through an integrated pest management approach. Through understanding of the CGMMV genetic diversity and the mechanism of seed transmission on cucurbit seeds, sensitive detection methods can be developed for virus detection and seed health testing. With the lack of progress in genetic resistance, effective disinfectants should be considered in nursery operation, and greenhouse or field crop production to prevent virus spread. By incorporating integrated pest management, you would be able to effectively manage this emerging virus.

About the Presenter

Kai-Shu LingDr. Kai-Shu Ling is a Research Plant Pathologist (virology) at the United States Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, SC, USA since 2004. Dr. Ling received his Ph.D. in Plant Pathology (Virology) from Cornell University in 1995. As a Research Plant Pathologist in USDA-ARS, he built his research program in focusing on emerging viral diseases of vegetable crops. He leads a productive research program in disease diagnosis, virus detection, characterization and management of those emerging viral diseases, including cucumber green mottle mosaic virus on cucurbits and tomato brown rugose fruit virus on tomato. Dr. Ling has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles and served as a mentor for a number of international visiting scholars, postdoctoral research associates and college students over the years.  

Contact Information:

​Webcast SponsorEVCWC

​Grant Funding

This webcast is sponsored by the Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits Working Group (EVCWG), which is supported by funding from the USDA NIFA (Agreement 2018-70006-28884) though the Southern IPM Center’s (SIPMC) grant program project S22-026. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publications are those of the author(s) and the EVCWG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the USDA NIFA or the SIPMC.​


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