​​​Insecticide Resistance Management Colorado Potato Beetle: A Case Study on Potatoes

February 2012 | 25 min., 32 sec.
by Russell L. Groves
University of Wisconsin-Madison


​The story of insecticide resistance is again taking place with the battle against the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) in Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. This beetle has a long history of rapid development of insecticide resistance to nearly all classes of insecticides, and this fact has been well documented in portions of the northeastern United States and specifically, Long Island, New York. CPB has developed resistance to virtually every insecticide used for its control, including over 40 active ingredients across several chemical classes that now, unfortunately, has begun to include the neonicotinoid class of insecticides. Although this resistance has been discrete in its distribution, it stresses the need for continued vigilance in the management of insecticide resistance and strict adherence to integrated pest management strategies that reduce the likelihood and onset of resistance development.

About the Presenter

Russell L. GrovesRussell L. Groves is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and a majority of his efforts are devoted to vegetable pest management Extension, where he has responsibilities for both commercial and fresh market vegetables. His research focus is on development of integrated pest management systems for vegetable crops and applied insect ecology, with an emphasis on insect vector-borne disease epidemiology, insect dispersal and movement, and insecticide resistance management.​

Contact Information:
Email: groves@entomology.wisc.edu


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