​​​Hairy Nightshade Biology and Competition in Potatoes (Part 2)​

May 2014 | 22 min., 54 sec.
by Pamela J.S. Hutchinson
University of Idaho


​This two-part presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in U.S. potato production areas understand the biology of hairy nightshade, how this weed competes with various potato varieties, and how to control it with cultural and herbicide methods. Part 2 discusses the biology of hairy nightshade. When a practitioner fully understands the biology of this weed, putting together effective integrated weed management strategies is possible.

About the Presenter

Pamela J. S. HutchinsonPamela J. S. Hutchinson has been a Potato Cropping Systems Weed Scientist and Associate Professor in the Department of Plant, Soils, and Entomologic Science at the University of Idaho, Aberdeen Research and Extension Center, since 1999. Dr. Hutchinson earned her BS in Agronomy and minor in Pest Management from Iowa State University in 1980. In 1987, she earned her MS in Weed Science with a minor in Ag Economics from South Dakota State University. In 1991, she earned her PhD in Weed Science from the University of Nebraska. Dr. Hutchinson’s research and Extension efforts at the University of Idaho focus on hairy nightshade biology and control; new and established weed management methods in potato cropping systems; potato variety herbicide tolerance; weed-disease-insect interactions in potatoes; and the effects of herbicides on seed potatoes.​

Contact Information:
Email: phutch@uidaho.edu


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