​​​​Petiole Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool for Improving Potato Nutrition

July 2013 | 13 min., 02 sec.
by Carl Rosen
University of Minnesota


​This presentation will help consultants, county agents, growers, and other practitioners in potato-producing states to understand how petiole analysis can be used as a diagnostic tool to help improve nutrition of the potato crop. Specifically, in this presentation, practitioners will learn the principles behind using tissue nutrient analysis for crop production, the proper procedures for taking a petiole sample, how to interpret the results following analysis, and use of petiole nitrate analysis as a guide for in-season nitrogen fertilizer application. By the end of this presentation, the practitioner should know more about appropriate use of petiole analysis for potato production.

About the Presenter

Carl RosenCarl Rosen is a Professor and the Head of the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate at the University of Minnesota. Since 1983, his Extension and research programs have focused on improving nutrient management in a variety of crops, with particular emphasis on irrigated potato production in Minnesota. He has authored or coauthored numerous publications on the subjects of nutrient management, soil fertility, plant nutrition, and beneficial use of by-products for crop production.​​​

Contact Information:
Email: crosen@umn.edu


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